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Leave Our Kids Alone Website

The War on Children: A Fight to Protect Our Next Generation

Uniting Parents Against the Targeting of Children Under 11

Upcoming Community Presentation: 17th April 2024

The War on Children is a movement dedicated to exposing the ongoing battle for control of the next generation and their minds. We believe that children deserve to be protected from harmful influences, and we are committed to fighting against the immoral and deprived practices that threaten their well-being.

One of the most pressing issues we face today is the targeting of children by advertisers. According to Leave Our Kids Alone, an organization that fights for the protection of children from inappropriate marketing, as many as 2,000 advertising messages are aimed at children every day. This relentless bombardment can have a detrimental impact on children's health, development, and self-esteem.

In response to this growing threat, Leave Our Kids Alone is calling for a ban on all advertising targeting children under 11. This ban would apply to all forms of advertising, including television, radio, print, and online. By working together, we can create a safer environment for our children and ensure that they have the opportunity to grow up healthy and free from exploitation.

Join us at our upcoming community presentation on 17th April 2024, where we will discuss the dangers of child targeting and how we can take action to protect our children. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that our future generations are safe from harm.
